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   Contactez-nous de 7h à 20h :02 47 93 04       English  Français English   The hotel The rooms Book         “Slow’In Chinon” Ideas & circuits Agnès’s blog              The hotel    Our family hotel, which chooses to defend values ​​of authenticity, well-being, respect for natural resources, quality and local culture, takes the challenge of offering you a very different tourism experience.

 We offer you to sleep in one of our 10 rooms, all arranged differently. We took care to decorate each room with attention to detail with objects found in Chinon, Saumur or even Tours.

 Because we campaign to favor the local economy and favor the products of excellence and the know-how of the small producers, we chose to propose the best of the gastronomy made in Val de Loire.

 For breakfast, we offer a buffet made from a rigorous selection of products of extreme freshness, seasonal products, original products and, for some, from local organic farming. You can choose to enjoy fresh bread that we will pick up every morning at our bakery, local products that vary depending on the season and good hot drinks prepared and served with a smile …

 Located on the banks of the Vienne, we enjoy the famous and no less true truth “sweetness Touraine”. If you enjoy a room overlooking the Vienne, you will also enjoy a flowered balcony and a magnificent view of the south shore of Chinon. If you sleep in one of the other rooms, you will also have the chance to enjoy the patio, very flowery, and ideal to recharge your batteries by taking the time to read a book or magazine.

 From Hotel Agnès Sorel, you will be spoiled for choice for your visits, outings and activities. We prefer to warn you, 2 days are not enough to discover the Touraine ! To help you organize your stay in Chinon, we offer theme packs and activity ideas according to your tastes and the length of your stay. This gives you a glimpse of everything that can be done from our hotel and therefore to plan to stay longer with us.

     BOOK NOWThe offers of the momentEn savoir plusThe roomsEn savoir plusOur “Slow’In Chinon” conceptWe have chosen to offer our travelers another way to discover Touraine and Chinon especially through Slow Tourism. We are committed to providing an alternative to mass tourism that brings together thousands of tourists in one place and pushes you to travel further, faster and cheaper. But do not panic![…]

 En savoir plusUseful informationThe reception and the bar are open from 7am to 11am and from 4pm to 8pm. Your room is available the day of arrival from 16h. Departures are until 11am. If you arrive after 20h please call us to know the procedure of late arrival Our breakfast is served from[…]

 En savoir plus                  personnes 1 2 3 4 5 6     Chambre Junior suite Chambre confort Chambre standard    Vérifier les disponibilités        Nous trouver   Hôtel Agnès Sorel loading map - please wait...Map could not be loaded - please enable Javascript!→ more information

  Hôtel Agnès Sorel 47.168300, 0.226585        Nous contacter Tél. : 02 47 93 04 37

 Adresse : 4 quai Pasteur 37500 Chinon

  Informations pratiques Nous trouver Conditions générales d’utilisation Mentions légales    Suivez-nous    Instagram       Facebook           © Hôtel Agnès Sorel - 2019       .leaflet-popup-content img { max-width:234px !important; height:auto; width:auto !important; } .leaflet-popup-content img { max-width:234px !important; height:auto; width:auto !important; }      /* */       jQuery(document).ready(function(jQuery){jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults({"closeText":"Close","currentText":"Today","monthNames":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"monthNamesShort":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],"nextText":"Next","prevText":"Previous","dayNames":["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],"dayNamesShort":["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],"dayNamesMin":["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"],"dateFormat":"d MM yy","firstDay":1,"isRTL":false});});   /* */            /* */     /* */      /* */    /* (Leaflet/icons)"); 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