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   Contactez-nous de 7h à 20h :02 47 93 04       English  Français English   The hotel The rooms Book         “Slow’In Chinon” Ideas & circuits Agnès’s blog              Discovery tour and Chinonaise relaxation 12 July 2019    Overnight at Hotel Agnès Sorel

 Day 1: Discover Chinon differently !

 Explore Chinon and its old town

 In the morning, after your breakfast, take the time to discover the old town of Chinon on foot or by bike: its cobbled streets, its half-timbered houses still well preserved, its antique shops, its old bookshops. You relive the history of Chinon through all the historical plaques scattered in the old town. You have the opportunity to visit Chinon with a guide. Ask us and we will tell you how to book it.

 Visit the Royal Fortress of Chinon

 You go back to the 15th century when Joan of Arc came to meet Charles VII to convince him to take Orleans back to the English. You climb steep streets to the Royal Fortress of Chinon that you can visit.

 Enjoy a good meal of the terroir

 Is it lunch time? We advise you to have lunch at the restaurant “Coté Jardin”, a very nice local address! Located in the medieval district, Monsieur Blandineau melds the local specialties: stew of andouillettes and sweetbreads at Gamay de Touraine, coq au vin from Chinon. The troglodyte room with stones and exposed beams is beautiful and you can have lunch in privative terrace and shaded the summer.

 Sail on the Vienne

 After your lunch, always on foot or by bike, towards Quai Danton in Chinon. We suggest you take the time to discover Chinon differently … by boat! Embark with the Vienne-Loire Navigation Company for a quality river excursion on a traditional Loire boat. We love the passion of some enthusiasts who revive a partly extinct Ligérienne barge … unforgettable moment in anticipation 😉

 Discover a unique troglodyte wine cellar

 Back on the mainland, go to Quai Pasteur to visit the Cave Monplaisir! Unique in the Loire Valley, the cellar is an old underground quarry of more than 2500m2 from which were extracted the tufa areas that helped build the many castles, lodgings and mansions that dot the region. According to a secular wine tradition in Touraine, it has been converted into an aging storage cellar. You will circulate in its impressive galleries which are full of treasure: more than 700 barrels and tens of thousands of bottles of the greatest wines of Chinon! The best soils of the appellation rise here, so taste it !

 Overnight at Hotel Agnès Sorel

 Day 2: The Pays de Chinon: art, crafts and gastronomy

 Discover the nugget still unknown: the Château de l’Islette

 In the morning, after your breakfast, take your vehicle and head towards Azay-le-Rideau to visit the Château de l’Islette! This little castle, still unknown to the general public, is the place to visit if you like Rodin and Camille Claudel. Why ? Because it is in this castle that these two artists shared their passionate and creative loves.

 Enjoy the fouées cooked over a wood fire

 In their troglodytic site, Christine Herin and Sebastien welcome you to make you taste their artisanal fouées, cooked in front of you in a wood oven and topped with homemade products: Roy Rose pork rillettes, fish terrines, cheeses and of course pears.

 Then discover the making of pears typed! A unique moment to live absolutely !

 Discover the art of basketry and leave with your wicker basket

 Take back your vehicle and take the direction of Villaine-les-Rochers, high place of basketry! Living, the practice of basketry exists in the most varied forms in Villaines-les-Rochers.

 The Osier Vannerie cultural space offers a collection of nearly 200 objects, videos and interactive kiosks, a children’s itinerary, temporary and thematic exhibitions and guided tours all year round by a professional or a basketball enthusiast. . The living space also offers discovery workshops, introductory workshops on basketry, artist residencies and professional meetings. If you wish to participate, tell us, we will give you all the necessary information.

 Tourist cave of Panzoult

 The Cave Touristique de Panzoult is an old tuffeau quarry carved to trace the history of the “Sibyl of Panzoult” written by François Rabelais. With a passionate guide, discover this atypical cellar to end with a wine tasting of local producers! End of your escapade in the Pays de Chinon … and see you again 😉

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  Hôtel Agnès Sorel 47.168300, 0.226585        Nous contacter Tél. : 02 47 93 04 37

 Adresse : 4 quai Pasteur 37500 Chinon

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