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   Contactez-nous de 7h à 20h :02 47 93 04       English  Français English   The hotel The rooms Book         “Slow’In Chinon” Ideas & circuits Agnès’s blog              Chinon otherwise    Our hotel is, in its own way, located on an exceptional site! To develop our concept “Slowly Chinon“, we were inspired by our feeling of sweetness and fullness to live on the edge of Vienne. Take the time to see the Gargantua boat, the cyclists who roam the Loire by bike, the hot air balloons fly over Chinon and our hotel; take the time to discover Chinon on foot or by horse-drawn carriage, to visit less touristy but equally fascinating sites; take the time to enjoy good regional dishes, to interact with restaurateurs; take the time to discover local products and interact with cheese producers in Touraine, honeys and jams; take the time to taste our red, rosé and white wines and better understand the life of our winemakers … by participating, why not, the harvest! 

 Séjourner à l’hôtel Agnès Sorel, c’est aussi valoriser la singularité, le partage et les rencontres. Davantage que d’authenticité, on pourrait vous rendre possible dans une immersion dans notre belle région. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé des partenariats avec des acteurs locaux qui vous font découvrir Chinon et la Touraine autrement. This is a dream of all balades and all, vous allez être surpris par des activités insolites et atypiques que vous voulez faire vivre des expériences uniques dont vous vous souvenez! 

 Visit the highlights of Chinon and the Loire Valley! Around Chinon  > Royal Fortress of Chinon> Castle of Azay le Rideau> Islette Castle> Rigny-Ussé Castle> Rivau Castle> Heart of Chinon and its half-timbered houses 

 In Touraine  > Château de Gizeux> Plus beau village de France : Candes-Saint-martin et Crissay-sur Manse 

 In Anjou > Heart of Saumur City> Royal Abbey of Fontevraud

 On the Loire Valley > Chambord Castle> Castle of Chenonceau> Château Gaillard> The Clos Lucé> Amboise Castle> Pagoda of Chanteloup 

 Get off the beaten path! Beyond of these great sites, which are called ” the inevitable ” of the Loire Valley, the Touraine, and especially Chinon, is full of hidden surprises. For to discover them, you have to dare to think outside the box and get lost so that all the charm of Touraine is revealed to you. At the bend of a path or a road, in the heart of the vineyards, on the Vienne or the Loire, at the table of a restaurant…Here is some ideas to help you disconnect and take your time from rediscover Touraine differently through private places, unusual or through the prism of authors more or less known …

 Chinon > Le Carroi, Museum of Art and History - House of the States General (museum of old Chinon)> Sainte Chapelle Radegonde of Chinon > Saint-Mexme Collegiate Church > Canons district> Tourist cave Monplaisir> Winegrowers…

 In Touraine  > Heart of the City and Richelieu Park > Rabelais Museum: the Devinière > Maurice Dufresne Museum > House Hérin: pear typed in Rivarennes > Château de Saché, Honoré de Balzac museum > Village of Villaines-les-Rochers and its basketwork > Troglodyte valley of the Goupillères > Church of Tavant > Ecomuseum of Veron > Château de Champchevrier in Cléré-lès-Pins > Château de Brétignolles in Anché > Fortress of Montbazon> Chédigny> Montrésor> Heart of Loches

 In Anjou > Château de Montsoreau and its contemporary art> Champignonnière of the Wolf Jumping > Gratien & Meyer cellars and its fine bubbles Crémant de Loire and Saumur appellation bubbles

 On the Loire Valley > Château and wines from Valmer to Chancay

     BOOK NOWThe offers of the momentEn savoir plusThe roomsEn savoir plusOur “Slow’In Chinon” conceptWe have chosen to offer our travelers another way to discover Touraine and Chinon especially through Slow Tourism. We are committed to providing an alternative to mass tourism that brings together thousands of tourists in one place and pushes you to travel further, faster and cheaper. But do not panic![…]

 En savoir plusUseful informationThe reception and the bar are open from 7am to 11am and from 4pm to 8pm. Your room is available the day of arrival from 16h. Departures are until 11am. If you arrive after 20h please call us to know the procedure of late arrival Our breakfast is served from[…]

 En savoir plus                  personnes 1 2 3 4 5 6     Chambre Junior suite Chambre confort Chambre standard    Vérifier les disponibilités        Nous trouver   Hôtel Agnès Sorel loading map - please wait...Map could not be loaded - please enable Javascript!→ more information

  Hôtel Agnès Sorel 47.168300, 0.226585        Nous contacter Tél. : 02 47 93 04 37

 Adresse : 4 quai Pasteur 37500 Chinon

  Informations pratiques Nous trouver Conditions générales d’utilisation Mentions légales    Suivez-nous    Instagram       Facebook           © Hôtel Agnès Sorel - 2019       .leaflet-popup-content img { max-width:234px !important; height:auto; width:auto !important; } .leaflet-popup-content img { max-width:234px !important; height:auto; width:auto !important; }      /* */       jQuery(document).ready(function(jQuery){jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults({"closeText":"Close","currentText":"Today","monthNames":["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],"monthNamesShort":["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],"nextText":"Next","prevText":"Previous","dayNames":["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],"dayNamesShort":["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],"dayNamesMin":["S","M","T","W","T","F","S"],"dateFormat":"d MM yy","firstDay":1,"isRTL":false});});   /* */            /* */     /* */      /* */    /* (Leaflet/icons)"); 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